Monday, January 14, 2008

Album cover meme

Karin at posted about the album cover meme, and like her I'm doing it not because I was tagged, but because it looks like fun. Here's how to play (quoting her directly):

  1. The first article title on the Wikipedia Random Articles page is the name of your band.
  2. The last four words of the very last quotation on the Random Quotations page is the title of your album.
  3. Use the random word generator to generate a word.
  4. Use the word to search FlickrStorm (creative commons licensed photos) and the third picture will be your album cover. Or just choose any image. (MY NOTE: Karin updated this rule to use CC pix instead of just any old photo.)
  5. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result.
So, here is the album cover Sashadhar Mukherjee's When Things Go Wrong:

  1. The random article was about Sashadhar Mukherjee.
  2. The random quote was "The customer doesn't expect everything will go right all the time; the big test is what you do when things go wrong," by Sir Colin Marshall.
  3. The random word was "subtlety".
  4. The random photo is "Is a Flickr image good if its thumbnail isn't?" by Kevin Dooley.
I actually used the second photo that came up because the person who took the third photo set it so that you can't download it. I also stretched the photo out a bit so it was the same size horizontally and vertically.

The fonts, by the way, are "Chick" for the album title and "Genius of Crack" for the artist title.

Now playing: The Rumble Strips - Alarm Clock
via FoxyTunes